Results for 'P. A. Andanda'

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  1.  55
    Human-tissue-related inventions: ownership and intellectual property rights in international collaborative research in developing countries.P. A. Andanda - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (3):171-179.
    There are complex unresolved ethical, legal and social issues related to the use of human tissues obtained in the course of research or diagnostic procedures and retained for further use in research. The question of intellectual property rights over commercially viable products or procedures that are derived from these samples and the suitability or otherwise of participants relinquishing their rights to the samples needs urgent attention. The complexity of these matters lies in the fact that the relationship between intellectual property (...)
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    Basic Hoops: an Algebraic Study of Continuous t-norms.P. Aglianò, I. M. A. Ferreirim & F. Montagna - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (1):73-98.
    A continuoxis t- norm is a continuous map * from [0, 1]² into [0,1] such that is a commutative totally ordered monoid. Since the natural ordering on [0,1] is a complete lattice ordering, each continuous t-norm induces naturally a residuation → and becomes a commutative naturally ordered residuated monoid, also called a hoop. The variety of basic hoops is precisely the variety generated by all algebras, where * is a continuous t-norm. In this paper we investigate the structure of the (...)
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  3. The Doctrine of Double Effect: Philosophers Debate a Controversial Moral Principle.P. A. Woodward - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (210):147-149.
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  4. Psikhologo-pedagogicheskoe nasledie P.F. Kaptereva: zhiznʹ i dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ: analitiko-biograficheskiĭ i bibliograficheskiĭ obzor.P. A. Lebedev - 1998 - Moskva: [Tipografii︠a︡ MPGU].
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    A new semantics for overriding in description logics.P. A. Bonatti, M. Faella, I. M. Petrova & L. Sauro - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 222 (C):1-48.
  6.  21
    Huyghens Et la France.P. Acloque, S. Bachelard, A. Bachrach, A. Beaulieu, Y. Belaval & H. Bos - 1982 - Vrin.
    table ronde du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 27-29 mars 1979. Huygens et la France (Paris, Vrin, 1981, p. 99-114) CHRISTIAAN HUYGENS VU PAR LEIBNIZ par Albert HEINEKAMP (*) (Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover) Les ...
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  7. Croce e Dilthey.P. P. A. - 1977 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:288.
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  8. Giuseppe De Luca.P. P. A. - 1973 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:611.
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  9. L'evoluzione delle borghesia.P. P. A. - 1973 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:464.
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    Kratkiĭ filosofskiĭ slovarʹ.A. P. Alekseev (ed.) - 1998 - Moskva: "Prospekt".
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  11. (1 other version)The Philosophy of Relativity.A. P. Ushenko - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):350-352.
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    Akademische Vorträge, von T. von Döllinger. Erster Band. Nordlingen. Beck, 1888. pp. iv. 427. Mk. 7.50.P. A. - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (05):215-.
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  13. Enea Silvio Piccolomini.P. P. A. - 1968 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:157.
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  14. Giambattista Vico.P. P. A. - 1972 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:303.
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  15. Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences.P.-A. Braillard & C. Malaterre (eds.) - 2015 - Springer.
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  16. Ėtos nauki.L. P. Kii︠a︡shchenko & E. Z. Mirskai︠a︡ (eds.) - 2008 - Moskva: Academia.
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    A new perspective on Antisthenes: logos, predicate and ethics in his philosophy.P. A. Meijer - 2017 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    Antisthenes (c. 445- c. 365 BC), was a prominent follower of Socrates and bitter rival of Plato. In this revisionary account of his philosophy in all its aspects, P. A. Meijer claims that Plato and Aristotle have corrupted our perspective on this witty and ingenious thinker. The first part of the book reexamines afresh Antisthenes' ideas about definition and predication and concludes from these that Antisthenes never held the (in)famous theory that contradiction is impossible. The second part of the book (...)
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  18.  37
    The solipsist phenomenon.A. P. Ushenko - 1948 - Philosophical Review 57 (5):505-508.
  19.  29
    Behaviorism and Behavior, I.A. P. Weiss - 1924 - Psychological Review 31 (1):32-149.
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  20. The reaction of primitive races to the white man's culture.A. P. Elkin - 1936 - Hibbert Journal 35:537-45.
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  21. A closer look at discernment on homosexuality and the priesthood.P. A. McGavin - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (1):63.
    McGavin, PA The Holy Father often speaks without a prepared text, and it is amazing how accurately he reads in transcription. This was brilliantly so in Light of the World interviews. Even his brief words at pages 118-119 on condoms - so breathlessly and inaccurately treated in the media - are so cast as to withstand close scrutiny. It is with this recognition that I address his lack of precision and perception in speaking on the question of homosexuality and sacred (...)
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    The Loeb Edition of Arrian P. A. Brunt: Arrian. History of Alexander and Indica, Vol. II: Anabasis Alexandri, Books V–VIII, Indica. (Loeb Classical Library.) Pp. x + 589. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann, 1983. £6. [REVIEW]P. A. Stadter - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (01):26-27.
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    Rescate, salvamento y evaluacion de la fauna de vertebrados en el derecho a via del corredor norte, fase 1, del Parque Natural Metropolitano.P. A. Garces - 1996 - Scientia 11.
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    Whitehead, Bergson, Freud: Suggestions Toward a Theory of Laughter.P. A. Y. Gunter - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):55-60.
  25. P. Fontan.X. Tilliette, P. Roques, G. Ducoin & A. Solignac - 1956 - Archives de Philosophie 20:321.
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    Pladneshki "ucheni".Ė. P. Krugli︠a︡kov - 2003 - Sofii︠a︡: Akademichno izd-vo "Marin Drinov". Edited by Ivan I︠U︡khnovski.
    Сборник статии и интервюта на академик Едуард Павлович Кругляков, редовен член на Руската академия на науките, физик с висок международен научен престиж и председател на Комисията за борба с лъженауката и с фалшифицирането на научните изследвания към Руската академия на науките. Книгата е ориентирана към съвремието, свързано с настъпването на лъженауката в Русия, и много по-слабо засяга проблемите на догматичната и силово налагана лъженаука през сталиновия период.
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  27. A brain model theory for epilepsy and its treatment: experimental verification using SQUID measurements.P. A. Anninos, N. Tsagas & A. Adamopoulos - 1989 - In Rodney M. J. Cotterill, Models of Brain Function. Cambridge University Press. pp. 405--422.
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    Visually guided action and the “need to know”.A. David Milner, David P. Carey & Monika Harvey - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):213-214.
  29.  63
    Social niche construction and evolutionary transitions in individuality.P. A. Ryan, S. T. Powers & R. A. Watson - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (1):59-79.
    Social evolution theory conventionally takes an externalist explanatory stance, treating observed cooperation as explanandum and the positive assortment of cooperative behaviour as explanans. We ask how the circumstances bringing about this positive assortment arose in the first place. Rather than merely push the explanatory problem back a step, we move from an externalist to an interactionist explanatory stance, in the spirit of Lewontin and the Niche Construction theorists. We develop a theory of ‘social niche construction’ in which we consider biological (...)
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    The Neapolitan Politicians: A Collective Portrait.P. A. Allum - 1972 - Politics and Society 2 (4):377-406.
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  31. (1 other version)Brennoe i vechnoe.A. P. Donchenko (ed.) - 2003 - Velikiĭ Novgorod: Novgorodskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  32. Revues.A. P. H. - 1895 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 28 (5):502.
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  33. Performance of seed-caching corvids during color nonmatching.A. C. Kamil, D. J. Olson & R. P. Balda - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):486-486.
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  34. Recent alcoholism treatment research: ethical issues of implementation into clinical practice.A. C. King, P. Batel & M. J. Kreek - 1997 - Adv. Bioethics 3:257-286.
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  35.  35
    Products of Ideals in MV -algebras.P. L. Belluce, A. Lettieri & S. Sessa - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (3-4):341-350.
    We look at a hierarchical arrangement of ideals in an MV -algebra. The principal classes of ideals studied are the maximals, the primes, the local and perfect ideals and the semi-locals. Beyond these special classes of ideals are the general ideals. Herein we study some relationships among these classes and, more specifically, the products of ideals of these classes. Among the results obtained are the square of a prime ideal is a local ideal, the finite product of prime ideals is (...)
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  36. Sexualität im Alter− mögliche Vorurteile erfordern Gesprächsbereitschaft. Kommentar I & II.P. -W. Schreiner, V. Frick-Bruder, J. Zenz & A. Ennulath - 1992 - Ethik in der Medizin 4 (2):89-93.
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    The Concept of Freedom in Marxist-Leninist Ethics.A. P. Chermenina - 1965 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 3 (4):40-47.
    The problem of freedom is becoming ever more pressing in our day, as the effectuation of real and complete freedom for all people who work is one of the principal objectives of the social morality of communism set forth in the Program of the CPSU. On the other hand, capitalism and its ideological defenders in the struggle against the world communist movement seek to turn the idea of freedom to their own ends, distorting and limiting this concept so as to (...)
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  38. Algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science: proceedings, Urgench, Uzbek SSR, September 16-22, 1979.A. P. Ershov & Donald Ervin Knuth (eds.) - 1981 - New York: Springer Verlag.
  39. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemy leninskogo ėtapa istorii marksistskoĭ filosofii: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.A. A. Fedoseev & V. P. Fedotov (eds.) - 1983 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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  40. Time-dependent probability density of the rc low-pass filtering of a binary random process.P. A. Lee - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 312.
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  41. Antonio Maria Fusco.P. P. A. - 1973 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:467.
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  42. Ludovico Vives.P. P. A. - 1973 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:605.
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    Dynamic systems theory approach to consciousness.A. Bielecki, Andrzej Kokoszka & P. Holas - 2000 - International Journal of Neuroscience 104 (1):29-47.
  44. Wood, Allen, W., "Karl Marx".A. P. Simonds - 1982 - Ethics 93:792.
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  45. Mistitsizm kontsa deviatnadtsatago vieka v ego otnoshenīi k khristianskoĭ religīi i filosofīi.P. I︠A︡ Svetlov - 1897 - S.-Peterburg: Izd. I. L. Tuzova.
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  46. Learning of New Percept-Action Mappings Is a Constructive Process of Goal-Directed Self-Modification.P. A. Cariani - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):322-324.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction” by Martin Flament Fultot, Lin Nie & Claudia Carello. Upshot: In my view, the clash between ecological psychology, enactivism, and constructivism in general has more to do with irreconcilable metaphysical and theoretical incommensurabilities than disagreements about specific mechanisms or processes of perception. Even with mutual enabling of action and perception, some internal process of self-modification is still needed if novel behavior is to be adequately explained.
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    Notes and news.A. P. Dobsevage - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (2):303.
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    Reviews of books.P. W. Hawkes, J. G. Rushbrooke, A. D. M. Walker, N. F. Mott & Juana V. Acrivos - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (178):871-872.
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    Under what conditions do patients want to be informed about their risk of a complication? A vignette study.N. B. A. T. Janssen, F. J. Oort, P. Fockens, D. L. Willems, H. C. J. M. de Haes & E. M. A. Smets - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5):276-282.
    Background: Discussing treatment risks has become increasingly important in medical communication. Still, despite regulations, physicians must decide how much and what kind of information to present. Objective: To investigate patients’ preference for information about a small risk of a complication of colonoscopy, and whether medical and personal factors contribute to such preference. To propose a disclosure policy related to our results. Design: Vignettes study. Setting: Department of Gastroenterology, Academic Medical Centre, the Netherlands. Patients: 810 consecutive colonoscopy patients. Intervention: A home-sent (...)
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    Preliminary report on the relative intensity of successive simultaneous ascending and descending tones.A. P. Weiss - 1917 - Psychological Review 24 (2):154-158.
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